Disney Cruise...Page 2
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More Photos of our Magical Disney Cruise Vacation...

Cabin # 2537...
The girls ready for their first night on the ship...
Wonderful set up with bunkbeds.
They shared a cabin with G-ma & G-pa...
Lucky Ducks!

Breakfast with Goofy...
And all of his friends...
The first morning there was a Character Breakfast...
A lot of Fun!
The Family~All Dressed up for Dinner
Dinners on the cruise were Amazing!
4 course meals every night....YIKES!
Speaking of Dinner!
Courtney was our best eater...
Trying everything from Steak, Shrimp and Lobster Tail...No kids chicken fingers for her!
Docked in Cozumel
Kent off the ship getting ready to enjoy some sight seeing and shopping in Cozumel...The water was Absolutely Amazing there...
Crystal Blue and Clear as can be!!
Kelsey and I enjoying the tastes of Mexico at the the dinner the evening of Cozumel...
a wonderful sail away party was that night too!
Mexicali/Tropical Kent
Doesn't he look Festive?

Hee hee, took a little convincing.....

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