About my Family!
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This is my Family!

This picture was taken a few years ago...
The kids still look so little!!

It was taken at my brother Steve and Emily's wedding.

Kent and I have been married for 17 years.
Our anniversary is July 30th, 2005....
Although, We have been together (for the most part) for 24 years this year. Wow!

Our girls...Courtney Anne and Kelsey Lyn turned 12 in December '04. Christmas Eve babies!

Our son Jalen Michael is 10 as of last November '04.

Growing up way too fast!

Info on Kent & I:

Kent works at Nationwide Insurance in downtown Columbus...he has been there for quite a while now...sorry, not real sure how long...however he has moved around in the company some and is in the process of moving again. 

He is very active with the our three kids, especially there sports activities...Assitant coach to Courtney's Softball team and Jalen's Baseball including never missing any of there games, school functions or activities!  He is also very active in other aspects of there lives, homework, housework, cooking etc...! 

See, it's good to get them at a young age and train them the way you want them to be, huh?  Teehee!!!

I on the other hand have been pretty much a stay at home mom since going into the hopital to have our girls...twins, born 8 weeks early.  The day I went into the hospital (2 & a half months early) in pre-term labor with the girls was the day I walked off the Salon floor, and it has been over 11 years since.  I went to beauty school in '86 and worked for 7 years before having the kids.  I am presently looking to get back in the business in a salon here in Pickerington (HCX) that is currently being built! 

Looking forward and a little apprehensive to get back to work agian after all of this time!

Info on Courtney, Kelsey and Jalen:

Courtney is 12 and going in the 7th grade.  She recently joined the PYAA Softball team for the first time and is very excited about that!  Her favorite color is blue and she loves animals dearly!  Her favorite pass time is to go to the Pet Store on a Sunday afternoon and hold the birds, dogs and bunnies!  She wants to work in one as soon as she is old enough and then eventually become a Vet.

Kelsey is also 12 and going in the 7th grade.  She is not presently into any sport but recently joined the PYAA Cheerleading Team for the Fall season.  She loves anything that is the color Pink and loves to dance and be silly with her friends!  One of her favorite pass times is to take the portable CD player outside on the driveway and make up dance and cheer routines with her friends!

Jalen is 10, in the 5th grade and totally ALL BOY!!  His favorite color is green.  He is very active in sports and loves to play many things...he has played soccer since he was 3 and is presently on the travel soccer team in Picktown.  He also is playing baseball, his father's favorite sport, and enjoys playing hockey as well.  His daddy (Kent) made him a hockey rink in the basement of our home and their favorite pass time is to go down there and have some wild games!

Thanks For Visitin'! Have a Great Day!